🛌 Person in Bed

Copy and paste this emoji: 🛌

Emoji Meaning

A person depicted lying in bed and covered by a blanket, except their face. Their head is on the pillow and eyes are closed, as if sleeping. Used to convey the need for rest or sleep. Sometimes used when telling someone you can't be bothered to get out of bed.

Apple Name

  • 🛌 Person Sleeping

Unicode Name

  • 🛌 Sleeping Accommodation

🛌 Emoji Codes




  • Github
  • Emojipedia
  • Slack, Discord

For developers

URL escape code %F0%9F%9B%8C
Punycode xn--778h
Bytes (UTF-8) F0 9F 9B 8C
JavaScript, JSON, Java \uD83D\uDECC
C, C++, Python \U0001f6cc
PHP, Ruby \u{1F6CC}
Perl \x{1F6CC}
HTML hex 🛌
HTML dec 🛌

Tags: good night, hotel, person in bed, leep

Category: People & Body

Subgroup: Person resting