Unicode 3.0
The following characters we added to Unicode in 1999 and given emoji presentation status in the years 2010-2015.
- ⁉️Exclamation Question Mark
- #️⃣Keycap Number Sign
- *️⃣Keycap Asterisk
- 0️⃣Keycap Digit Zero
- 1️⃣Keycap Digit One
- 2️⃣Keycap Digit Two
- 3️⃣Keycap Digit Three
- 4️⃣Keycap Digit Four
- 5️⃣Keycap Digit Five
- 6️⃣Keycap Digit Six
- 7️⃣Keycap Digit Seven
- 8️⃣Keycap Digit Eight
- 9️⃣Keycap Digit Nine
- ℹ️Information
- ⃣Combining Enclosing Keycap
- ☙Reversed Rotated Floral Heart Bullet
- ♰West Syriac Cross
- ♱East Syriac Cross