Unicode 1.1
Unicode 1.1 were pre-dated emoji inclusion in Unicode by 17 years, and included many characters primarily sourced from the Zapf Dingbats font.
The following characters were added to Unicode in 1993 and given emoji presentation status in the years 2010-2015.
- ☺️Smiling Face
- ☹️Frowning Face
- ☠️Skull and Crossbones
- ❣️Heart Exclamation
- ❤️Red Heart
- ✌️Victory Hand
- ☝️Index Pointing Up
- ✍️Writing Hand
- 🧒🏽Child: Medium Skin Tone
- ♨️Hot Springs
- ✈️Airplane
- ⌛Hourglass Done
- ⌚Watch
- ☀️Sun
- ☁️Cloud
- ☂️Umbrella
- ❄️Snowflake
- ☃️Snowman
- ☄️Comet
- ♠️Spade Suit
- ♥️Heart Suit
- ♦️Diamond Suit
- ♣️Club Suit
- ♟️Chess Pawn
- ☎️Telephone
- ⌨️Keyboard
- ✉️Envelope
- ✏️Pencil
- ✒️Black Nib
- ✂️Scissors
- ☢️Radioactive
- ☣️Biohazard
- ↗️Up-Right Arrow
- ➡️Right Arrow
- ↘️Down-Right Arrow
- ↙️Down-Left Arrow
- ↖️Up-Left Arrow
- ↕️Up-Down Arrow
- ↔️Left-Right Arrow
- ↩️Right Arrow Curving Left
- ↪️Left Arrow Curving Right
- ✡️Star of David
- ☸️Wheel of Dharma
- ☯️Yin Yang
- ✝️Latin Cross
- ☦️Orthodox Cross
- ☪️Star and Crescent
- ☮️Peace Symbol
- ♈Aries
- ♉Taurus
- ♊Gemini
- ♋Cancer
- ♌Leo
- ♍Virgo
- ♎Libra
- ♏Scorpio
- ♐Sagittarius
- ♑Capricorn
- ♒Aquarius
- ♓Pisces
- ▶️Play Button
- ◀️Reverse Button
- ♀️Female Sign
- ♂️Male Sign
- ✖️Multiply
- ‼️Double Exclamation Mark
- 〰️Wavy Dash
- ☑️Check Box with Check
- ✔️Check Mark
- ✳️Eight-Spoked Asterisk
- ✴️Eight-Pointed Star
- ❇️Sparkle
- ©️Copyright
- ®️Registered
- ™️Trade Mark
- Ⓜ️Circled M
- ㊗️Japanese “Congratulations” Button
- ㊙️Japanese “Secret” Button
- ▪️Black Small Square
- ▫️White Small Square
- 0️Digit Zero
- 8️Digit Eight
- 7️Digit Seven
- *️Asterisk
- Zero Width Joiner
- 1️Digit One
- 5️Digit Five
- 2️Digit Two
- 9️Digit Nine
- 6️Digit Six
- 3️Digit Three
- #️Hash Sign
- 4️Digit Four
- ΞGreek Capital Letter Xi
- ★Black Star
- ☇Lightning
- ☈Thunderstorm
- ☉Sun
- ☊Ascending Node
- ☋Descending Node
- ☌Conjunction
- ☍Opposition
- ☏White Telephone
- ☒Ballot Box with X
- ☓Saltire
- ☚Black Left Pointing Index
- ☛Black Right Pointing Index
- ☜White Left Pointing Index
- ☞White Right Pointing Index
- ☟White Down Pointing Index
- ☡Caution Sign
- ☤Caduceus
- ☥Ankh
- ☧Chi Rho
- ☨Cross of Lorraine
- ☩Cross of Jerusalem
- ☫Farsi Symbol
- ☬Adi Shakti
- ☭Hammer and Sickle
- ☰Trigram for Heaven
- ☱Trigram for Lake
- ☲Trigram for Fire
- ☴Trigram for Wind
- ☵Trigram for Water
- ☶Trigram for Mountain
- ☷Trigram for Earth
- ☻Black Smiling Face
- ☼White Sun with Rays
- ☽First Quarter Moon
- ☾Last Quarter Moon
- ♁Earth
- ♃Jupiter
- ♄Saturn
- ♅Uranus
- ♆Neptune
- ♇Pluto
- ♔White Chess King
- ♕White Chess Queen
- ♗White Chess Bishop
- ♘White Chess Knight
- ♙White Chess Pawn
- ♚Black Chess King
- ♛Black Chess Queen
- ♜Black Chess Rook
- ♝Black Chess Bishop
- ♞Black Chess Knight
- ♡White Heart Suit
- ♤White Spade Suit
- ♧White Club Suit
- ♩Quarter Note
- ♪Eighth Note
- ♫Beamed Eighth Notes
- ♬Beamed Sixteenth Notes
- ♭Flat
- ♮Music Natural Sign
- ♯Sharp
- ✎Lower Right Pencil
- ✐Upper Right Pencil
- ❥Rotated Heavy Black Heart Bullet
- ❦Floral Heart
- ❧Rotated Floral Heart Bullet