🙆🏿 Person Gesturing OK: Dark Skin Tone

Copy and paste this emoji: 🙆🏿

Emoji Meaning

A dark skin tone person of no specific gender wearing a red shirt with both arms touching each other above the head, the sign for the word 'OK'. Used to express agreement or approval. Although the emoji is supposed to be genderless, it looks more like a woman.

🙆🏿 Emoji Codes


U+1F646 U+1F3FF


  • Emojipedia

For developers

URL escape code %F0%9F%99%86%F0%9F%8F%BF
Punycode xn--qn8hn0b
Bytes (UTF-8) F0 9F 99 86 F0 9F 8F BF
JavaScript, JSON, Java \uD83D\uDE46\uD83C\uDFFF
C, C++, Python \U0001f646\U0001f3ff
CSS \01F646 \01F3FF
PHP, Ruby \u{1F646}\u{1F3FF}
Perl \x{1F646}\x{1F3FF}
HTML hex 🙆🏿
HTML dec 🙆🏿