🕵️ Detective
Copy and paste this emoji: 🕵️
Emoji Meaning
A person wearing a hat and trench coat, and sometimes holding a magnifying glass, as if to inspect something closely. Used to signify or when talking about detectives or detective work. Also used to convey the need to scrutinize something or need for further investigation.
Also Known As
- 🕵️ Detective
- 🕵️ Private Eye
- 🕵️ Sleuth
- 🕵️ Spy
Apple Name
- 🕵️ Detective
Unicode Name
- 🕵️ Sleuth or Spy
How does this emoji look on different platforms?
🕵️ Emoji Trends
🕵️ Emoji Codes
U+1F575 U+FE0F
- Github, Emojipedia
- Slack
For developers
OpenURL escape code | %F0%9F%95%B5%EF%B8%8F |
Punycode | xn--fy8h |
Bytes (UTF-8) | F0 9F 95 B5 EF B8 8F |
JavaScript, JSON, Java | \uD83D\uDD75\uFE0F |
C, C++, Python | \U0001f575\uFE0F |
CSS | \01F575 \FE0F |
PHP, Ruby | \u{1F575}\u{FE0F} |
Perl | \x{1F575}\x{FE0F} |
HTML hex | 🕵️ |
HTML dec | 🕵️ |