👱 Person: Blond Hair
Copy and paste this emoji: 👱
Emoji Meaning
A person of no specific gender with blond hair. Often used when referring to blonds of different genders. May also be used to express the desire or need to dye one's hair blond.
Also Known As
- 👱 Blond
- 👱 Blonde
- 👱 Blond Man
Apple Name
- 👱 Person with Blond Hair
Unicode Name
- 👱 Person with Blond Hair
How does this emoji look on different platforms?
👱 Emoji Trends
👱 Emoji Codes
- Emojipedia
- Github
- Slack
For developers
OpenURL escape code | %F0%9F%91%B1 |
Punycode | xn--zq8h |
Bytes (UTF-8) | F0 9F 91 B1 |
JavaScript, JSON, Java | \uD83D\uDC71 |
C, C++, Python | \U0001f471 |
CSS | \01F471 |
PHP, Ruby | \u{1F471} |
Perl | \x{1F471} |
HTML hex | 👱 |
HTML dec | 👱 |