🎸 Music
List of emoji related to the Music
Musical instruments, symbols, and other emojis associated with music.
- 👂 Ear
- 🧑🎤 Singer
- 🕺 Man Dancing
- 👩🎤 Woman Singer
- 🔉 Speaker Medium Volume
- 🔊 Speaker High Volume
- 👨🎤 Man Singer
- 🎼 Musical Score
- 🎵 Musical Note
- 🎶 Musical Notes
- 🎧 Headphone
- 🎷 Saxophone
- 🎸 Guitar
- 🎹 Musical Keyboard
- 🎺 Trumpet
- 🦻 Ear with Hearing Aid
- 🎻 Violin
- 🪗 Accordion
- 🪘 Long Drum
- 🥁 Drum
- 💃 Woman Dancing
- 🪚 Carpentry Saw
- 🪕 Banjo
- 🪇 Maracas
- 🪈 Flute